(wearing John Keats clothes and featuring Milton Head Pottery ceramics)
In 2021 I was asked to contribute to an exhibition in Hereford. I researched the year 1971 for the painting ‘The anchorhold 1971’
I used a version of a toy theatre and painted anchorholds in the theatre boxes, women kept in hidden places. In other boxes sit the male and female couples, the female anchored to the male around her neck. Each female represents a news story in 1971 highlighting the demonising of women – including Wimpy barring women from entering late at night because only prostitutes were expected to be on the streets.
I also chose 1971 because that was when, under sixteen years old, I was kicked by an adult male when I refused to dance with him, preferring the company of my female friends. He berated me, heavily bruising my thigh, for not knowing a good offer when I saw one.
In 1971 I was on the cusp of liberation and subjugation.

In 2021 ‘The anchorhold 1971’ was selected and sold at The Royal Academy Summer Exhibition
‘I am not a romantic’ is showing at South West Academy of Fine and Applied Arts November 2nd – 13th 2021
My works explores identity, the influence of art, fashion and music on adolescence, swapping clothes with iconic artists, like a paper doll, how religious education creates rebellious female creativity
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